
Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering can enrich your life in many ways. Feeling good about doing good is just the beginning.

When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about various health-care settings
  • Help others and build new friendships
  • Share in our community spirit, and
  • Most of all – have fun!

Be proud to share your time and make a real difference in your community

The Auxiliary has approximately 50 members who undertake a number of fundraising projects throughout the year such as raffles, lunch/card parties, tag day and hot dog days. Each year we find new and fun ways to raise funds to help the hospital. All proceeds from Auxiliary fundraising go directly to the hospital to purchase patient equipment.


How to become an Auxiliary Volunteer

Contact Alexandra Marine and General Hospital at For more information ( see Auxiliary )

The Convenor will meet with prospective volunteers to provide information about the application and to answer questions about Auxiliary activities.


Applicants will be required to undergo a background check and attend hospital-provided orientation. Care will be taken to match volunteers with areas of skill and interest.

Auxiliary meetings are held at the MacKay Centre, 10 Nelson St. on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm (with the exception of July, August and December).

We are always happy to welcome new members!

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