
Directory of Records

The purpose of the Directory of Records is to assist members of the public in exercising their rights of access under the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) by listing and describing the records in the custody or control of the Hospital.

  • General Record: Any record not considered to be a personal information bank or a public record.
  • Personal Information Bank: A collection of personal information (but not personal health information) that is organized and can be retrieved by an individual’s name or some other personal identifier.

The Directory contains a list of categories of General Records and Personal Information Banks (PIBs) held by the hospital. These inventories are updated annually.


The Directory does not contain the actual records and it is necessary to make a FIPPA Access Request to the organization’s FIPPA Coordinator.

Directory of records

  1. Corporate Records
  2. Financial Records
  3. Employee Records
  4. General Departmental Records
  5. Operating Room
  6. Pharmacy
  7. Patient Care Records
  8. Laboratory
  9. Patient Registration

Some hospital records may already be available to you without making a request in writing under FIPPA. Browse the hospital website or contact the FIPPA Coordinator if you have a question about whether the information may be available without submitting a formal FOI Access Request.

FIPPA-Directory of General Records

FIPPA Directory of Personal Information Banks

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