
Huron Community Mental Health Services

Huron Community Mental Health Services welcomes individuals 16 years of age and over seeking treatment for their mental health. Individual and group treatment services are offered in our Goderich, Wingham, Clinton, Exeter and Seaforth offices. The following are some examples of our group treatment opportunities that are offered at various times throughout the year.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy 

This group is for patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and individuals experiencing intense difficulty controlling emotions. The program is offered in a group setting based on the Dialectical behavioural Skills Training Manual developed by Marsha Linehan and provides education and training in the areas of mindfulness, interpersonal skills, emotion regulation and distress tolerance.


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Groups are available for those experiencing depression or anxiety. This cognitive approach will help you change the way you feel through becoming more aware of negative thought patterns and how to change these thoughts.


Relaxation Therapy

A six-week skill building group that will teach you the basics of diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and will provide education on stress and anxiety.


Depression Group 

This group is for individuals diagnosed with a mood disorder or whose symptoms suggest a struggle with mood. The group will introduce a cognitive model to clients struggling with mood disorders focusing on psychoeducation, cognition and activation and is based on Changeways Clinic Core Program.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Groups 

Groups are offered to help support clients in developing coping skills, stress management, leisure pursuits, building self-esteem and positive relationships, and healthy living skills.


If you participate in our groups, there is an expectation for regular attendance and completion of home practice exercises. For additional information about our services, please refer to our Client Handout.



Referral form for HCMHS 

Client Information Sheet

Discharge Information Sheet

Patient Orientated Discharge Summary



Outpatient Mental Health Collaborative Care Survey 

Outpatient Mental Health Client Satisfaction Survey

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