
General Information

Environmental Sensitivity

The Alexandra Marine and General Hospital will provide measures for the protection of patients, medical / dental / midwifery staff, staff, volunteers and visitors regarding environmental sensitivity exposure. In recognition for the potential risk to sensitive individuals, it is necessary to evaluate, eliminate or minimize such exposure. The procedure for dealing with individuals with environmental sensitivity will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

  • Wearing perfume or perfumed products should be kept to a minimum
  • Latex balloons are not permitted within the Hospital. Balloons manufactured from alternative materials (i.e., Mylar) are acceptable
  • Please refrain from bringing strong smelling flowers into the Hospital
  • Smoking is not permitted on Hospital property.

Flowers and Gifts

Flowers sent to you will be delivered to your room.

Latex balloons are prohibited from the Hospital due to risk of allergic reaction by patients and staff.

Gifts of food, fruit and candy may be a welcomed gift, however should be checked with the Nurse in Charge to make sure that the gift is appropriate and does not contraindicate patient care or treatment.



Our parking is very limited for staff and visitors, patients are asked to leave their cars at home. Visitor parking is free and is available around the Hospital.


We have several accessible designated parking areas at the Emergency entrance and the front entrance. There are several parking areas designated for Dialysis clients for easy access.

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