
Directory of General Records

The Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) requires hospitals to make available to the public a Directory of General Records. Inclusion of a record in Alexandra Maine and General Hospital’s Directory of General Records is not intended to indicate that this information will be available under FIPPA.

Record Category


General Administrative and

Operational Records

 Records relating to:

  • the operations and upkeep of the hospital
  • corporate communication to stakeholders and partners
  • partnership agreements
  • annual reports concerning goals and strategic plans, as well as financial and other reporting data. The following information can be found online:
    • Annual Reports
    • Hospital Service Accountability Agreement
    • Strategic Plan
    • Accessibility Plan
  • the provision of patient services and the management and delivery of clinical and support services
  • meetings of committees
  • policies and procedures
  • forms
  • education and orientation
  • employee safety
  • research studies and administration of research activities
  • Accreditation
    • the most recent Accreditation Survey Report is available online
  • quality, risk, patient safety - reports and audits
  • reports and statistics, including public reports and mandated reporting requirements – the following information can be found online:

    • Salary Disclosure List
    • Clostridium difficile Associated Disease
    • Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci
    • Hand hygiene Compliance
    • Surgical Site Infection
    • Quality Improvement Plan


 Records relating to;

  • the Board and its committees, minutes, policies, and by-laws.
  • Minutes of the Board meetings
    • Board member expenses are available on line



 Records relating to:

  • agreements
  • leases/deeds
  • insurance policies
  • annual reports
  • corporate project documents
    • blueprints and drawings


Human Resources

Records relating to:

  • union contracts and labor relations
  • pension plans and benefits
    • general administrative and statistical data re: hospital employees, students and volunteers (Note: Records re: individuals are referenced on the Directory of Personal Information Banks)


Materials Management

Records relating to:

  • procurement documents
  • quotes/proposal/bid submissions
  • purchase orders
    • vendor and service contracts



Note: Alexandra Maine and General Hospital Directory of General Records remains under development and further information will be added as appropriate records are identified.

Updated July 25, 2014

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